Picture Gallery Sept 2022
18th September Run to End of the Line - Freshwater
TL out of car park - TR at Sandford XRds Ventnor - TR at the Chip Shop and next right - Whitwell - TL at the church - Niton - TR in the village - after a mile or so XRds - TL to Chale Green - TR at the village - After a mile or so TL and follow on to Shorwell - TJ turn left to Brighstone through the village and on to Brook bear right and at TJ - TL towards Freshwater - TJ turn right and to The End of the Line

Club members mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Long live the King.

18th Sept to End of the Line
The gorgeous weather brought out 23 bikers this month, ready to enjoy a slightly longer ride than usual to the End of the Line cafe` in Freshwater. An eventful meeting started with a welcome to an enthusiastic young lady rider, joining in for the first time.
At the off, one of the bikes failed to start up, which delayed my departure as the tail end rider. I was further delayed exiting the car park by a queue of cars while you were all well on your way ! After I caught up to the first lay off rider, the faulty bike that had objected to starting, caught me up ! This confused the "lay off" system and caused more slight delays as the faulty bike objected it`s way to Niton and then departed the group for a (successful outcome), short cut home.
All was well again until Shorwell when two "sprocket jockies" caught us up and I presume, weaved through and overtook the whole group ! ! But as ever, we all arrived ok for tea and a chat bathed in afternoon sunshine.
Have a safe few weeks until next time and always expect the unexpectables ! ! Your tail end Charlie, Steve.









The age group 41-81 is flexible . Safe sensible riding is what is important, so if you are younger - please join us